myLifePool MiniPools

Making strong meaningful connections within community is so important.

Happiness is one of the most important things in life, yet it’s also one of the hardest to study. Psychiatrist Robert Waldinger is the director of the Harvard Study of Adult Development, one of the longest and most complete studies of adult life ever conducted. Though this study they away with one major finding: Good relationships keep us happier and healthier. You can hear more about this study by watching this Ted Talk.

Hopefully, you will already have a fab network of friends and family to support you but growing your support network through meeting like-minded people is really powerful!

In today’s fast paced society, it’s often hard to make meaningful social connections. It can take a long time to meet new people that you can build a strong friendship with and even longer to build you own mini ‘tribe’ or ‘village’.

At myLifePool we are all about making and building those all-important meaningful social connections.

A little while ago I set up a small group of new parents. They were all myLifePool members with babies who were born within a few months of each other, they have now become good friends and offer regular support and friendship to each other, they just needed an introduction. I’m looking to put together more groups like this.

By completing this form and based on the information you share with me, I will aim to look for and introduce you to other like-minded LifePoolers.

You could be looking to meet other LifePoolers who have similar age children for playdates, people who share your interests or have a similar lifestyle to you. You could be parenting on your own, grandparenting or be career-focused and looking to fill your weekends. Maybe camping is your thing, fine dining or dog walking, whatever connections you are looking to make, get in touch, I would love to help if I can.

How to complete the form...​

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